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Effectiveness of a serious game addressing guideline adherence: cohort study with 1.5-year follow-up Tobias Raupach. Insa

Background Patients presenting with acute shortness of breath and chest pain should be managed according to guideline recommendations. Serious games can be used to train clinical reasoning. However, only few studies have used outcomes beyond student satisfaction, and most of the published evidence is...

Building customer relationships with conversational AI

We’ve all been there. “Please listen to our entire menu as our options have changed. Say or press one for product information…” Sometimes, these automated customer service experiences are effective and efficient—other times, not so much. Many organizations are already using chatbots and virtual...

Europe Plans 20,000 GPU Supercomputer to Create 'Digital Twin' of Earth - ExtremeTech

The plan to create a digital twin of Earth might end up delayed due to the relative lack of available GPUs, but this isn't going to be an overnight project. 

Keeping Student Trust

The report outlines a set of recommendations for institutions and campus administrators related to different uses of student data.

Chile in 'critical' grip of second Covid wave despite one of best vaccination rates

Chile has among the world's best vaccination rates, but it also recently broke their daily Covid record as they face a second surge.

Detection of a particle shower at the Glashow resonance with IceCube Nature.

The Glashow resonance describes the resonant formation of a W− boson during the interaction of a high-energy electron antineutrino with an electron1, peaking at an antineutrino energy of 6.3 petaelectronvolts (PeV) in the rest frame of the electron. Whereas this energy scale is out of reach for currently...

How a coronavirus variant tore into an English island - and the world.

Genomic scientists raced against time to find out what was causing the deadly surge in cases despite a national lockdown.

Outcomes Standardisation Project (OSP) for Continuing Medical Education (CE/CME) Professionals:

Despite an increased focus and urgency for CE/CME professionals to effectively and systematically assess the impact of their educational interventions, the community has struggled to do so. This struggle is in large part due to the lack of a standardised outcomes language and a set of unified approaches.

Why 2021 Is Graph Data Science's Year for the Enterprise -

Graph data science is becoming increasingly important to business delivering deep insights into data and driving new business cases.

Machine Learning Applications in the Evaluation and Management of Psoriasis: A Systematic Review - PubMed Journal of psoriasis

Machine learning has significant potential to aid psoriasis evaluation and management. Current topics popular in ML research on psoriasis are the evaluation of medical images, prediction of complications, and treatment discovery. For patients to derive the greatest benefit from ML advancements, it i...

The Next Trick: Pulling Coronavirus Out of Thin Air

Thermo Fisher Scientific’s new air sampler can help monitor for airborne pathogens, and signals renewed interest in bioaerosol surveillance.

APOD: 2021 March 23 - Mars over Duddo Stone Circle


Heisenberg on Helgoland - the value of spending time in natural surroundings

"It was finally time to use his strange calculus to calculate the energy of a real physical system. As his excitement mounted he kept on making mistakes and correcting them, but finally he had it. When he looked at it he was struck with joy and astonishment. Out of the dance of calculations emerged an...

Medical educators’ beliefs about teaching, learning, and knowledge: development of a new framework

Interesting paper about beliefs among medical educators. This has been developed with a qualitative study of undergraduate educators but the framework makes for good reading for those of us involved in urging colleagues and expert speakers to become more learner-centred. "The sharp divide between...

5 failures of political leaders during a public health crisis

“There are five traps political leaders can fall into when it comes to a public health emergency: 1. delay and downplay; 2. fudge the science; 3. isolation from the international community; 4. absence; and 5. double standards.” Sophie Harman Professor of International Politics at Queen Mary University...

Build for a crisis: Ideas for the future of local news

Enjoyed this story of the ingenuity of local newspapers when struck with the crisis of extreme weather. What does it say for our other complex technology and business layers? When crisis strikes perhaps that's when you find the lowest common tech that works and exactly what purpose you are using it for....

Major employers scrap plans to cut back on offices - KPMG

Most major global companies no longer plan to reduce their use of office space after the coronavirus pandemic, though few expect business to return to normal this year, a survey by accountants KPMG showed on Tuesday.

The US is about to have a vaccine surplus

Covid-19 vaccines are still hard to come by in many places, but supply in the US will soon outpace demand.

How to Virtually Become a Doctor

Medical schools and students alike have had to adapt to remote cadaver dissections and bedside-manner training via Zoom.

Matrix Multiplication Inches Closer to Mythic Goal

A recent paper set the fastest record for multiplying two matrices. But it also marks the end of the line for a method researchers have relied on for decades to make improvements.