Oral anticoagulants for prevention of stroke in atrial fibrillation: systematic review, network meta-analysis, and cost effectiveness analysis: Objective To compare the efficacy, safety, and cost effectiveness of direct acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs) for patients with atrial fibrillation.
Source: bmj.com
Algorithm outperforms radiologists at diagnosing pneumonia | Stanford News: In just over a month of development, their algorithm outperformed expert radiologists at diagnosing pneumonia.
Source: stanford.edu
Towards a Competence-Based Course Authoring Tool Supporting Learning Management Systems: To establish a more comparable, compatible, and coherent system of higher education in Europe, the so-called Bologna Process (BP) has been adopted. As a measure to improve comparability, the BP requires that every...
Source: online-journals.org
A model for the use of blended learning in large group teaching sessions: Although blended learning has the potential to enhance the student experience, both in terms of engagement and flexibility, it can be difficult to effectively restructure existing courses. To achieve these goals for an introductory...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Using social media to support small group learning: Medical curricula are increasingly using small group learning and less didactic lecture-based teaching. This creates new challenges and opportunities in how students are best supported with information technology. We explored how university-supported...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Could analysing personalised learning be better matched if physicians are first classified into competency groups? Using latent class analysis to identify physician competency reveals four distinct subgroups in this cross-sectional study in China. The survey tool is large at over 100 items long but included...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Denying patients NHS treatment based on lifestyle factors is not conducive to a good doctor-patient relationship. In response to the Hertfordshire Valley CCG’s decision to restrict
access to routine surgery until morbidly obese patients have lost
weight, or smokers have given up, as discussed...
Source: rcgp.org.uk
Reducing patient mortality, length of stay and readmissions through machine learning-based sepsis prediction in the emergency department, intensive care unit and hospital floor units. Sepsis management is a challenge for hospitals nationwide, as severe sepsis carries high mortality rates and costs...
Source: bmj.com
The Red Roads to Timbuktu : Image of the Day: Iron-rich laterite give the roads to this remote city in central Mali a distinctive color.
Source: nasa.gov
How to Clean Text for Machine Learning with Python - Machine Learning Mastery: You cannot go straight from raw text to fitting a machine learning or deep learning model. You must clean your text first, which means splitting it into words and handling punctuation and case. In fact, there is a whole suite...
Source: machinelearningmastery.com
Surgeons trained with touch-and-feel VR: Virtual reality technology that lets trainee surgeons feel "flesh and bone" is developed. Haptic feedback added to the virtual experience of anatomy and pathology. I'm not usually a techno-enthusiast but this has enormous potential for surgical skills training....
Source: bbc.co.uk
Grass-fed beef is bad for the planet and causes climate change: Supporters like Prince Charles say raising cattle on pastures can be good for the environment, but the sums have been done and their claims don’t add up
Source: newscientist.com
APOD: 2017 October 10 - Milky Way and Zodiacal Light over Australian Pinnacles
Source: nasa.gov
Gabapentin, opioids, and the risk of opioid-related death: A population-based nested case–control study: In a matched case-control-study among patients in Ontario, Canada treated with opioid painkillers, Tara Gomes and colleagues investigate whether co-prescription of gabapentin is associated with...
Source: plos.org
Government 'failed to clean up air': New figures show the UK government failed to reduce illegal levels of air pollution in the 18 months after a court ordered it to clean up the air.
Source: bbc.co.uk
What If Everyone Ate Beans Instead of Beef?: What can an individual do about climate change? One dietary change could go a long way.
Source: theatlantic.com
Facebook trial hides alcohol adverts: The social network is testing a tool that will let people hide categories of ads for the first time.
Source: bbc.co.uk
What newsroom execs around the world think should be the next big areas of focus for their companies: Worry is universal — but a quarter of publishers surveyed said their revenues are going up, not down.
Source: niemanlab.org
What Google doesn’t want you to know: Voice search is taking over display search, while Assistant…: The greatest jump in the history of search is happening under our eyes and Google is keeping pretty quiet about it.
Source: chatbotsmagazine.com