"The Future of Authorship: Dismayed by the loss of trust in facts, and seeming preference for half-truths that appears to be driving our political present, Robert Harington decided to catch up on his reading over the weeked" ... and describes reaching audiences with video and YouTube especially. Nothing...
Source: sspnet.org
Gotta catch’em all! Pokémon GO and physical activity among young adults: difference in differences study: Objective To estimate the effect of playing Pokémon GO on the number of steps taken daily up to six weeks after installation of the game.
Design Cohort study using online survey data.
Source: bmj.com
Methane surge needs 'urgent attention' - BBC News: Scientists say they are concerned at the rapid rate at which methane is gathering in the atmosphere.
Source: bbc.co.uk
The Simple Economics of Machine Intelligence. Technological revolutions tend to involve some important activity becoming cheap, like the cost of communication or finding information. Machine intelligence is, in its essence, a prediction technology, so the economic shift will center around a drop in the...
Source: digitopoly.org
Deep Learning Reinvents the Hearing Aid: Finally, wearers of hearing aids can pick out a voice in a crowded room
Source: ieee.org
"Digital-native news outlets in Europe tend to be more focused on delivering quality journalism than on creating new business models or innovating about ways news is presented, according to a new report from Oxford’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism that studied 12 online startups in France,...
Source: niemanlab.org
Germany's Aggressive Switch to Renewables Will Save €149 Billion: The country’s goal of lowering its greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2020 is yielding dividends in addition to cleaner air.
Source: ieee.org
Lights for the Enlightened: An Engineering Trek in the Himalayas: How a band of techie volunteers electrified Lingshed monastery and school
Source: ieee.org
EU wants to make e-books, e-newspapers cheaper: The European Union wants to apply the same sales tax rules for digital books and newspapers as their print versions, in a move that would bring down the price of electronic publications.
Source: phys.org
New nursing apprentice role announced - BBC News: Aspiring nurses can soon enrol on a new on-the-job apprenticeship role, the government says.
Source: bbc.co.uk
It’s the ‘worst’ science paper ever — filled with plagiarism and garble — and journals are clamouring to publish it
Source: nationalpost.com
3D Printed Model Brains Being Studied for Neuro Surgeries |: Stratasys, a manufacturing technology company based in Valencia, California, is touting the use of 3D printed brains it helped to create as a tool for plan
Source: medgadget.com
A whole city vows to help its young people apply for college - The Hechinger Report: JACKSON — Like millions of high-school seniors nationwide, Murrah High School senior Desmond Jones, 17, is preparing to go to college next fall. Jones is interested in attending the University of Southern Mississippi...
Source: hechingerreport.org
In this era of fears that Artificial Intelligence will destroy humanity, SARA is a Socially-Aware Robot Assistant, developed in Carnegie Mellon University’s ArticuLab. SARA interacts with people in a whole new way, personalizing the interaction and improving task performance by relying on information...
Source: cmu.edu
Snowballs on the shore - BBC News: A beach in Siberia has been transformed by naturally occurring giant snowballs.
Source: bbc.co.uk
Missing GP records in Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk 'total 9,000' - BBC News: More than 9,000 patients' records have gone missing since private firm Capita took over NHS file transferring services, a BBC survey shows.
Source: bbc.co.uk
In Celebration of Open Data | PLOS Biologue: It’s not every day I get to write something that is just fun. In celebration of OpenCon, and to recognise all of the fantastic articles that we’ve published at PLOS with a focus on Data Sharing across all of the PLOS journals, we’re really excited...
Source: plos.org
E-learning predictions for 2017. Joining the folly of futurists and pollsters here are my e-learning predictions for 2017. I'm looking forward to engaging with as many of them as I can. Conversational technology. Why not have immediate access and personal learning support on platforms through messaging...
Source: agnate.co.uk
The Causes and Consequences of a Need for Self-Esteem: A Terror Management Theory Jeff Greenberg. Tom Pyszczynski. Sheldon Solomon.
Source: springer.com
Association of e-Cigarette Vaping and Progression to Heavier Patterns of Cigarette Smoking: This cohort study uses survey data to assess associations between baseline e-cigarette use among high school students and use of combustible cigarettes 6 months later. Adam M. Leventhal. Matthew D. Stone. Nafeesa...
Source: jamanetwork.com