Want to improve teaching in universities? Value those who teach: As university reform draws nearer, the government must address the sector’s growing problem of insecure working conditions
Source: theguardian.com
Social-media news consumers at higher risk of ‘information bubbles’ | KurzweilAI
Source: kurzweilai.net
Musk, others commit $1 billion to non-profit AI research company to ‘benefit humanity’ | KurzweilAI
Source: kurzweilai.net
AI will replace smartphones within 5 years, Ericsson survey suggests | KurzweilAI
Source: kurzweilai.net
Smartphone-Based Visual Acuity Measurement for Screening and Clinical Assessment: This commentary discusses a study published in JAMA Ophthalmology that describes the accuracy of a smartphone-based visual acuity test for detecting visual impairment in rural Kenya. Christopher J. Brady. Allen O. Eghrari....
Source: jamanetwork.com
2016 – the year of MOOC hard questions: We had 2012 as the year of the MOOC, 2014 was probably the year of the MOOC maturation, and I’m calling it for 2016, the year that university Vice Chancellors and Principals start looking and…
Source: edtechie.net
Clinician Computer Use in Safety-Net Clinics Might Disrupt Communication with Patients: By Jenni Whalen
Edited by David G. Fairchild, MD, MPH, and Jaye Elizabeth Hefner, MD
Frequent computer use by clinicians during patient visits in safety-net clinics might negatively affect communication and patient...
Source: jwatch.org
Quantum entanglement achieved at room temperature in macroscopic semiconductor wafers | KurzweilAI
Source: kurzweilai.net
E-coli bacteria, found in some China farms and patients, cannot be killed with antiobiotic drug of last resort | KurzweilAI
Source: kurzweilai.net
Pigeons diagnose breast cancer on X-rays as well as radiologists | KurzweilAI
Source: kurzweilai.net
Anti-VEGF Pharmacotherapy as an Alternative to Panretinal Laser Photocoagulation for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: From 1976 to 1981, the results of the Diabetic Retinopathy Study identified that panretinal laser photocoagulation (PRP) for high-risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) reduced...
Source: jamanetwork.com
Tor is getting a major security upgrade | ExtremeTech: Tor has become a laughing stock in the hacker community -- can it shore up its vulnerabilities, and reassert the public's right to privacy?
Source: extremetech.com
Panretinal Photocoagulation vs Intravitreous Ranibizumab for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: A Randomized Clinical Trial: This randomized trial reports that in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy, ranibizumab treatment resulted in visual acuity that was noninferior to panretinal photocoagulation...
Source: jamanetwork.com
Ad Networks Using Inaudible Sound To Link Phones, Tablets and Other Devices - Slashdot
Source: slashdot.org
APOD: 2015 November 12 - Kenya Morning Moon, Planets and Taurid
Source: nasa.gov
TensorFlow could be Google’s new, open-source, central nervous system | ExtremeTech: Google's new and improved machine learning platform could change how we use the internet -- and now anybody can contribute.
Source: extremetech.com
Google open-sources its TensorFlow machine learning system | KurzweilAI
Source: kurzweilai.net
Battle for open – latest skirmishes: (you should read this post in 1940s BBC voice) I did a post a while back on some of the frontline reporting from the battle for open (I am being slightly tongue in cheek with this militaristic lang…
Source: edtechie.net
Improving access to clinical guidance: redevelopment of a junior doctor intranet page Graham Walkden. Sinead Millwood. Andrew Cavanagh. BMJ Quality Improvement Reports.
Source: bmj.com
We're on the cusp of a revolution that will change the world as much as computers did
Source: techinsider.io