Busicom 141-PF and Intel 4004 - a fascinating story of innovation through ‘lead users’.
Source: vintagecalculators.com
Inspired by @oldaily's #el30 Elearning 3.0 series I have just added a
#meded project to the distributed web. It now has a permanent place on
the web without even requiring a server. #eldercareApp
https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/Qme7F72usRCWJtRzRXBaUeKmeQW2xCChdCHaVXQdTJP2c3/ So what does that all...
Source: ipfs.io
The Nobel Peace Prize 2018 was awarded jointly to Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad "for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict". "Both laureates have made a crucial contribution to
focusing attention on, and combating, such war crimes. Denis Mukwege is
Source: nobelprize.org
Over-85s in 24-hour care 'set to double': The social care system is "at breaking point", a local government official warns.
Source: bbc.com
The New Science of Designing for Humans (SSIR): The rise of behavioral science and impact evaluation has created a new way for engineering programs and human interactions.
Source: ssir.org
Amazon Meanders in Sunglint: The largest river in the world is full of bends and meanders, a result of the water course snaking back and forth across the landscape over time.
Source: nasa.gov
Self-organizing Community Learning Based on P2P Network in a University Computer Foundation Course: In order to solve the problem of lack of targeted guidance for learners in the community learning process, an improved algorithm for constructing com-munities was proposed. The algorithm used P2P architecture....
Source: online-journals.org
Marree Man: The enduring mystery of a giant outback figure: Etched into the outback 20 years ago, the vast figure remains a subject of fascination.
Source: bbc.com
Open source sustainability has been nothing short of an oxymoron. Engineers around the world pour their sweat and frankly, their hearts into these passion projects that undergird all software in the modern internet economy. In exchange, they ask for nothing in return except for recognition and help…
Source: techcrunch.com
Experts Bet on First Deepfakes Political Scandal - IEEE Spectrum
Source: ieee.org
Charging patients for appointments 'against founding principle of NHS', says RCGP
Source: rcgp.org.uk
The 3 Reasons the U.S. Health-Care System Is the Worst: The head of the Commonwealth Fund, which compares the health systems of developed nations, pinpoints why American health care is so expensive and inefficient.
Source: theatlantic.com
Nvidia AI Turns Regular Video Into 240fps High-Speed Video - ExtremeTech: Nvidia accomplished this feat with an array of GPUs and a neural network.
Source: extremetech.com
International Diagnostic Championship Inviting Med Students Worldwide to Participate |: Medical students around the world are invited to participate in the first international diagnostic championship hosted by International Federation of
Source: medgadget.com
25 Years of EdTech: 2010 – Connectivism – The Ed Techie The early enthusiasm for e-learning saw a number of pedagogies resurrected or adopted to meet the new potential of the digital, networked context. Constructivism, problem-based learning, and resource-based learning all saw renewed interest as...
Source: edtechie.net
WHO releases new International Classification of Diseases (ICD 11)
Source: who.int
Understanding and Creating Calculators for Medical Diagnoses: Exclusive Interview with MDCalc |: MDCalc is a 13-year-old medical reference started by two practicing emergency medicine physicians, Dr. Joe Habboushe and Dr. Graham Walker. A
Source: medgadget.com
Interview: The BMJ's Patient Review Initiative - A Novel Expansion of Peer Review - The Scholarly Kitchen: Kent Anderson looks at an innovative approach to peer review that has expanded, changed review approaches, and impressed authors.
Source: sspnet.org
Day 1429 - #thecrapartist - view from Villa Inn Messinia up the hill. A bit of wide angle artistry incorporating the low terrace walls and balcony of one of the bedrooms. Much greenery has been painted and the purple-flowering plant has been attempted.
Elderly social care should be 'free at point of need', says report: Report by IPPR and peers says reform would cut ‘catastrophic care costs’ of over £100,000 a year
Source: theguardian.com