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showing posts for 'z'

DeepMind AI needs mere 4 hours of self-training to become a chess overlord: AlphaGo Zero needed three days to train up in

DeepMind AI needs mere 4 hours of self-training to become a chess overlord: AlphaGo Zero needed three days to train up in Go; AlphaZero needed just eight hours.

Association Between Treatment by Locum Tenens Internal Medicine Physicians and 30-Day Mortality Among Hospitalized Medicare

Association Between Treatment by Locum Tenens Internal Medicine Physicians and 30-Day Mortality Among Hospitalized Medicare Beneficiaries: This cohort study evaluates the differences in quality and costs of care related to locum tenens vs non–locum tenens physicians treating hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries....

Blind Obedience and an Unnecessary Workup for Hypoglycemia: A Teachable Moment: This Teachable Moment examines the danger

Blind Obedience and an Unnecessary Workup for Hypoglycemia: A Teachable Moment: This Teachable Moment examines the danger in overvaluing laboratory test results that contradict clinical findings. Elizabeth Y. Wang. Lauren Patrick. Denise M. Connor. JAMA Internal Medicine.

How to brew beer like a Norwegian farmer: Kveik: a word we’re likely to be seeing a lot more of in the beer world. But

How to brew beer like a Norwegian farmer: Kveik: a word we’re likely to be seeing a lot more of in the beer world. But what is kveik? Here are a couple of things it’s not: Kveik is NOT a beer style. It’s the name given in…

Oral anticoagulants for prevention of stroke in atrial fibrillation: systematic review, network meta-analysis, and cost

Oral anticoagulants for prevention of stroke in atrial fibrillation: systematic review, network meta-analysis, and cost effectiveness analysis: Objective To compare the efficacy, safety, and cost effectiveness of direct acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs) for patients with atrial fibrillation. Design...

Towards a Competence-Based Course Authoring Tool Supporting Learning Management Systems: To establish a more comparable,

Towards a Competence-Based Course Authoring Tool Supporting Learning Management Systems: To establish a more comparable, compatible, and coherent system of higher education in Europe, the so-called Bologna Process (BP) has been adopted. As a measure to improve comparability, the BP requires that every...

A model for the use of blended learning in large group teaching sessions: Although blended learning has the potential to

A model for the use of blended learning in large group teaching sessions: Although blended learning has the potential to enhance the student experience, both in terms of engagement and flexibility, it can be difficult to effectively restructure existing courses. To achieve these goals for an introductory...

Could analysing personalised learning be better matched if physicians are first classified into competency groups? Using

Could analysing personalised learning be better matched if physicians are first classified into competency groups? Using latent class analysis to identify physician competency reveals four distinct subgroups in this cross-sectional study in China. The survey tool is large at over 100 items long but included...

What do Japanese residents learn from treating dying patients? The implications for training in end-of-life care: How medical

What do Japanese residents learn from treating dying patients? The implications for training in end-of-life care: How medical residents’ experiences with care for dying patients affect their emotional well-being, their learning outcomes, and the formation of their professional identities is not fully...

The Health and Social Care Act of 2012 - making GPs lead Clinical Commissioning Groups - did not reduce overall hospitalisations

The Health and Social Care Act of 2012 - making GPs lead Clinical Commissioning Groups - did not reduce overall hospitalisations study concludes. "[G]iving control of healthcare budgets to GP-led CCGs was not associated with a reduction in overall hospitalisations and was associated with an increase...

Surgeons trained with touch-and-feel VR: Virtual reality technology that lets trainee surgeons feel "flesh and bone" is

Surgeons trained with touch-and-feel VR: Virtual reality technology that lets trainee surgeons feel "flesh and bone" is developed. Haptic feedback added to the virtual experience of anatomy and pathology. I'm not usually a techno-enthusiast but this has enormous potential for surgical skills training....

Using 'cooperative perception' between intelligent vehicles to reduce risks | KurzweilAI This is taking the Internet of

Using 'cooperative perception' between intelligent vehicles to reduce risks | KurzweilAI This is taking the Internet of Things idea to its automated driving conclusion. If all vehicles on the road have all the facts then they could optimise the routes and risks. We should try hard to democratise this...

APOD: 2017 October 10 - Milky Way and Zodiacal Light over Australian Pinnacles

APOD: 2017 October 10 - Milky Way and Zodiacal Light over Australian Pinnacles

Fjord fiesta: the Norwegian farmhouse ales festival 2017: In Hornindal, in beautiful remotest Western Norway, if you tried

Fjord fiesta: the Norwegian farmhouse ales festival 2017: In Hornindal, in beautiful remotest Western Norway, if you tried to explain to the locals the fuss being made about cloudy New England IPAs, they would laugh, or look bemused. There are around a hu…

Insulin Pumps Tied to Fewer Type 1 Diabetes Complications in Young Patients: By Amy Orciari Herman Edited by David G.

Insulin Pumps Tied to Fewer Type 1 Diabetes Complications in Young Patients: By Amy Orciari Herman Edited by David G. Fairchild, MD, MPH, and Lorenzo Di Francesco, MD, FACP, FHM Young patients with type 1 diabetes may experience fewer disease complications with insulin pump therapy than with multiple...

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017


What Google doesn’t want you to know: Voice search is taking over display search, while Assistant…: The greatest jump

What Google doesn’t want you to know: Voice search is taking over display search, while Assistant…: The greatest jump in the history of search is happening under our eyes and Google is keeping pretty quiet about it.

Mind-Altering Cat Parasite Linked To a Whole Lot of Neurological Disorders - Slashdot: schwit1 shares a report from ScienceAlert:

Mind-Altering Cat Parasite Linked To a Whole Lot of Neurological Disorders - Slashdot: schwit1 shares a report from ScienceAlert: The brain-dwelling parasite Toxoplasma gondii is estimated to be hosted by at least 2 billion people around the world, and new evidence suggests the lodger could be more dangerous...

Short-duration podcasts as a supplementary learning tool: perceptions of medical students and impact on assessment performance:

Short-duration podcasts as a supplementary learning tool: perceptions of medical students and impact on assessment performance: Use of podcasts has several advantages in medical education. Podcasts can be of different types based on their length: short (1–5 min), moderate (6–15 min) and long (>15 min)...