Oral anticoagulants for prevention of stroke in atrial fibrillation: systematic review, network meta-analysis, and cost effectiveness analysis: Objective To compare the efficacy, safety, and cost effectiveness of direct acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs) for patients with atrial fibrillation.
Source: bmj.com
Computer model for the cardiovascular system: development of an e-learning tool for teaching of medical students: This study combined themes in cardiovascular modelling, clinical cardiology and e-learning to create an on-line environment that would assist undergraduate medical students in understanding...
Source: biomedcentral.com
A stable plasma ring has been created in open air for the first time ever: Researchers say it's "essentially capturing lightning in a bottle, but without the bottle."
Source: futurism.com
Linking primary schools and care homes with letter writing pen pals. A great initiative that helps language skills and creative writing for children whilst also enabling otherwise isolated elders share memories and make new friends. I heard this story first on the radio with great examples of the types...
Source: bbc.co.uk
Towards a Competence-Based Course Authoring Tool Supporting Learning Management Systems: To establish a more comparable, compatible, and coherent system of higher education in Europe, the so-called Bologna Process (BP) has been adopted. As a measure to improve comparability, the BP requires that every...
Source: online-journals.org
Using social media to support small group learning: Medical curricula are increasingly using small group learning and less didactic lecture-based teaching. This creates new challenges and opportunities in how students are best supported with information technology. We explored how university-supported...
Source: biomedcentral.com
What do Japanese residents learn from treating dying patients? The implications for training in end-of-life care: How medical residents’ experiences with care for dying patients affect their emotional well-being, their learning outcomes, and the formation of their professional identities is not fully...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Denying patients NHS treatment based on lifestyle factors is not conducive to a good doctor-patient relationship. In response to the Hertfordshire Valley CCG’s decision to restrict
access to routine surgery until morbidly obese patients have lost
weight, or smokers have given up, as discussed...
Source: rcgp.org.uk
Jarisch-Herxheimer and Lyme disease: When patients diagnosed with chronic Lyme are treated, no matter what happens as a response to the treatment is considered by believers to be evidence in support of the diagnosis. If they get bette…
Source: sciencebasedmedicine.org
Surgeons trained with touch-and-feel VR: Virtual reality technology that lets trainee surgeons feel "flesh and bone" is developed. Haptic feedback added to the virtual experience of anatomy and pathology. I'm not usually a techno-enthusiast but this has enormous potential for surgical skills training....
Source: bbc.co.uk
Tiny Breath Acetone Sensor to Measure Fat Burning During Exercise, Help Monitor Diabetes |: Those wishing to lose weight have to watch their diet, but for optimal results they also have to burn existing fat in their bodies through exercise. Any am
Source: medgadget.com
Q&A: 'A chicken worth eating tastes like a chicken that had a life worth living': Maryn McKenna, author of Big Chicken, tells Lucy Rock how antibiotics created modern agriculture, changed the way we eat and gave rise to deadly superbugs
Source: theguardian.com
Gabapentin, opioids, and the risk of opioid-related death: A population-based nested case–control study: In a matched case-control-study among patients in Ontario, Canada treated with opioid painkillers, Tara Gomes and colleagues investigate whether co-prescription of gabapentin is associated with...
Source: plos.org
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017
Source: nobelprize.org
From research to practice: results of 7300 mortality retrospective case record reviews in four acute hospitals in the North-East of England. Reviews using clinicians within trusts produce lower estimates of preventable deaths than published results using external clinicians. More research is needed...
Source: bmj.com
What If Everyone Ate Beans Instead of Beef?: What can an individual do about climate change? One dietary change could go a long way.
Source: theatlantic.com
Smartphone Heart Monitor Beats Doctors at Diagnosing Atrial Fibrillation: The Kardia heart monitor from AliveCor did almost 4 times better than doctors providing standard care
Source: ieee.org
What Google doesn’t want you to know: Voice search is taking over display search, while Assistant…: The greatest jump in the history of search is happening under our eyes and Google is keeping pretty quiet about it.
Source: chatbotsmagazine.com
Mind-Altering Cat Parasite Linked To a Whole Lot of Neurological Disorders - Slashdot: schwit1 shares a report from ScienceAlert: The brain-dwelling parasite Toxoplasma gondii is estimated to be hosted by at least 2 billion people around the world, and new evidence suggests the lodger could be more dangerous...
Source: slashdot.org
The Movie “Cholesterol: The Great Bluff” Is an Exercise in Denialism: The movie “Cholesterol: The Great Bluff” claims that we have been lied to: cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease and statins are harmful. It is biased and misleading. The peopl…
Source: sciencebasedmedicine.org