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showing posts for 'pi'

Training medical students to manage difficult circumstances- a curriculum for resilience and resourcefulness?: In response

Training medical students to manage difficult circumstances- a curriculum for resilience and resourcefulness?: In response to the growing prevalence of physical and emotional burnout amongst medical students and practicing physicians, we sought to find a new methodology to scope a five-year undergraduate...

Intel’s Neuromorphic System Hits 8 Million Neurons, 100 Million Coming by 2020: The 64-chip Pohoiki Beach system is used

Intel’s Neuromorphic System Hits 8 Million Neurons, 100 Million Coming by 2020: The 64-chip Pohoiki Beach system is used by researchers to make systems that learn and see the world more like humans. "At the DARPA Electronics Resurgence Initiative Summit today in Detroit, Intel plans to unveil an 8-million-neuron...

Gaining insights with Natural Language Processing of Reddit Data to Evaluate Dermatology Patient Experiences and Therapeutics.

Gaining insights with Natural Language Processing of Reddit Data to Evaluate Dermatology Patient Experiences and Therapeutics. "There is a lack of research studying patient-generated data on Reddit, one of the world’s most popular forums with active users interested in dermatology. Techniques within...

Apollo 11 Had a Hidden Hero: Software: The moon landing was one of the most important moments in the history of computing,

Apollo 11 Had a Hidden Hero: Software: The moon landing was one of the most important moments in the history of computing, laying the foundations for everything from fly-by-wire cockpits to the smartphones in our hands.

Development of new antibiotics encouraged with new pharmaceutical payment system: The NHS will test the world's first ‘subscription’

Development of new antibiotics encouraged with new pharmaceutical payment system: The NHS will test the world's first ‘subscription’ style payment model to incentivise pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs for resistant infections. "The new trial will be led by the National Institute for...

Interested in shared decision making? What does it really mean to remove the distance between a doctor and their patient

Interested in shared decision making? What does it really mean to remove the distance between a doctor and their patient or family when managing the most complex of medical cases? Then read this. Matt Morgan, a colleague of mine from OnExamination days, an intensive care specialist in Cardiff, has written...

A New Model for Integrating Behavioral Science and Design. Part of the ‘Nudge turns 10’ issue. A model for being creative

A New Model for Integrating Behavioral Science and Design. Part of the ‘Nudge turns 10’ issue. A model for being creative with design informed by behavioural science. “Thaler and Sunstein knew that nudges were a piece of the behavioral change puzzle but not the only piece. So what’s missing?”...

ILAE (International League Against Epilepsy) publishes a Roadmap for a competency-based educational curriculum in epileptology.

ILAE (International League Against Epilepsy) publishes a Roadmap for a competency-based educational curriculum in epileptology. "After extensive consultation with its constituency and with educational experts, the ILAE decided to systematically address the educational pathways required for the optimum...

Kenyan science teacher wins global prize: A science teacher who gives most of his salary to support poor pupils wins the

Kenyan science teacher wins global prize: A science teacher who gives most of his salary to support poor pupils wins the Global Teacher Prize.

Utility of social media and crowd-intelligence data for pharmacovigilance: a scoping review. - PubMed - NCBI "Although

Utility of social media and crowd-intelligence data for pharmacovigilance: a scoping review. - PubMed - NCBI "Although social media data has the potential to supplement data from regulatory agency databases; is able to capture less frequently reported AEs; and can identify AEs earlier than official...

Wales' Brexit vote had deeper roots than many are willing to admit: Martin Johnes, Professor of History at Swansea University

Wales' Brexit vote had deeper roots than many are willing to admit: Martin Johnes, Professor of History at Swansea University The Brexit vote was a profound shock to those who like to believe that Wales has a distinctive and progressive culture. It is little wonder that people looked for someone to...

It feels as though we learn better via our preferred learning style, but we don’t: A new study helps explain the myth.

It feels as though we learn better via our preferred learning style, but we don’t: A new study helps explain the myth. "Consistent with past research on learning styles, the participants’ preferred learning style (verbal or pictorial) was not related in any way to how well they recalled the pairs...

"All forms of Brexit are bad for health, but some are worse than others. This paper builds on our 2017 analysis using the

"All forms of Brexit are bad for health, but some are worse than others. This paper builds on our 2017 analysis using the WHO health system building blocks framework to assess the likely effects of Brexit on the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. We consider four possible scenarios as follows:...

People in England will be presumed to consent to organ donation unless they opt out. Max and Keira's organ law set to pass.

People in England will be presumed to consent to organ donation unless they opt out. Max and Keira's organ law set to pass. Moving piece about a donor and a recipient of organ transplantation. The evidence is clear that nudging choices by reframing them as opt out rather than opt in greatly increases...

Phrases of the day: selective exposure, selective perception, principles knowledge, vicarious trial, change agent, and cue-to-action.

Phrases of the day: selective exposure, selective perception, principles knowledge, vicarious trial, change agent, and cue-to-action. I’ve been reading Everett Rogers’ book Diffusion of Innovations with a ‘learning lens’ on. I’m fascinated that the adoption of innovations is so analogous to...

Inspired by @oldaily's #el30 Elearning 3.0 series I have just added a #meded project to the distributed web. It now has

Inspired by @oldaily's #el30 Elearning 3.0 series I have just added a #meded project to the distributed web. It now has a permanent place on the web without even requiring a server. #eldercareApp So what does that all...

Urban transformation: shopping by kayak in Denmark's greenest neighbourhoods: As nations race to reach ambitious climate

Urban transformation: shopping by kayak in Denmark's greenest neighbourhoods: As nations race to reach ambitious climate goals, can sustainable urban designs help cut energy use and boost social well-being?

Been using this ‘pencil project’ software for flowcharting. Works really well for quickly sketching systems diagrams

Been using this ‘pencil project’ software for flowcharting. Works really well for quickly sketching systems diagrams and workflows that you can export to various formats. It is available on Windows (also as a stand-alone App on, Linux, and Mac) The ‘sketchy’ style wireframing...

Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement: This 2018 Recommendation

Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement: This 2018 Recommendation Statement from the US Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for osteoporosis with bone measurement testing to prevent osteoporotic fractures in women 65...

The 3 Reasons the U.S. Health-Care System Is the Worst: The head of the Commonwealth Fund, which compares the health systems

The 3 Reasons the U.S. Health-Care System Is the Worst: The head of the Commonwealth Fund, which compares the health systems of developed nations, pinpoints why American health care is so expensive and inefficient.