Word of the day: Bürolandschaft - Office landscape. What does this mean for the modern ‘internet of things’ workspace? Can good design and smart equipment work well together? Good to see that the ‘smart workplace’ is climbing the Gartner Hype Curve.
Source: wikipedia.org
Reforms must prepare the UK countryside for climate change and ensure that our use of land supports reduced emissions - Committee on Climate Change: The Paris Agreement demands tougher action to remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. We must, at the same time, prepare for the inevitable...
Source: theccc.org.uk
The Nobel Peace Prize 2018 was awarded jointly to Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad "for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict". "Both laureates have made a crucial contribution to
focusing attention on, and combating, such war crimes. Denis Mukwege is
Source: nobelprize.org
Urban transformation: shopping by kayak in Denmark's greenest neighbourhoods: As nations race to reach ambitious climate goals, can sustainable urban designs help cut energy use and boost social well-being?
Source: trust.org
Randomised experiment: If you're really unsure whether to quit your job or break up, you really probably should
Source: 80000hours.org
The New Science of Designing for Humans (SSIR): The rise of behavioral science and impact evaluation has created a new way for engineering programs and human interactions.
Source: ssir.org
China’s Emerging Role In Global Health 'Historically, China’s approach to DAH was grounded in the principles of people-to-people connection, including providing a health system that emphasizes primary health care and a community-based disease eradication strategy, principles that are generally in...
Source: healthaffairs.org
Self-organizing Community Learning Based on P2P Network in a University Computer Foundation Course: In order to solve the problem of lack of targeted guidance for learners in the community learning process, an improved algorithm for constructing com-munities was proposed. The algorithm used P2P architecture....
Source: online-journals.org
3 Food Sensors to Track Every Bite and Gulp - IEEE Spectrum
Source: ieee.org
Slate’s Facebook traffic has dropped by 87 percent since 2017. (Anyone else wanna share numbers?)
Source: niemanlab.org
Experts Bet on First Deepfakes Political Scandal - IEEE Spectrum
Source: ieee.org
Build Your Own Google Neural Synthesizer - IEEE Spectrum
Source: ieee.org
Charging patients for appointments 'against founding principle of NHS', says RCGP
Source: rcgp.org.uk
First Semisolid Lithium Batteries to Debut This Year, in Drones: SolidEnergy Systems will start with drones and aims to have its lithium batteries in electric vehicles after 2021
Source: ieee.org
How the audacity to fix things without asking permission can change the world, according to Tara Mac Aulay - 80,000 Hours
Source: 80000hours.org
Interview: The BMJ's Patient Review Initiative - A Novel Expansion of Peer Review - The Scholarly Kitchen: Kent Anderson looks at an innovative approach to peer review that has expanded, changed review approaches, and impressed authors.
Source: sspnet.org
I've been looking for another way of presenting evidence for instructional design that is more efficient than simple lectures. The data collected by Benjamin Bloom and published in 1984 seems useful and I've redrawn the graph so it looks more modern than the line drawings of the original. Learning...
Source: wikipedia.org
Alphabet's DeepMind Makes a Key Advance in Computer Vision: Alphabet's DeepMind neural networks can grasp a three-dimensional scene from just a handful of two-dimensional snapshots
Source: ieee.org
But messaging apps are picking up the slack, the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism finds in its 2018 Digital News Report.
Source: niemanlab.org