APOD: 2015 September 29 - Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse and Lightning Storm
Source: nasa.gov
Open peer review could result in better quality of peer review: Whether or not a research article has been peer reviewed openly can seemingly make a difference to the quality of the peer review, according to research carried out by BioMed Central's Research Integrity Group and Frank Dudbridge from the...
Source: medicalxpress.com
High-volume facilities better for nursing hip fractures: There isn't a lot of information available to help family caregivers choose the best skilled nursing facility for an elderly loved one who breaks a hip, but a new study suggests a potentially useful quality indicator: the facility's number of hip...
Source: medicalxpress.com
Executive Summary to EDC-2: The Endocrine Society's Second Scientific Statement on Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: This Executive Summary to the Endocrine Society's second Scientific Statement on environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) provides a synthesis of the key points of the complete...
Source: endocrine.org
Science leaders make investment case - BBC News: Leading figures in the scientific community argue for a lift in public research spending to boost the British economy.
Source: bbc.co.uk
Developing a website in Comic Sans - a dyslexia-friendly site consistent with equality and diversity training. Thanks for the challenge Simon! Here is the work in progress.
It turns out that Comic Sans is not entirely web friendly (who'd have thought) but the team at www.comicneue.com have sorted out...
Source: wikipedia.org
Turkish man dies after spending 47 years in a state hospital: Hospital staff say a 70-year-old man who died after nearly half a century in a Turkish ward stayed there ‘because he had nowhere else to go’
Source: theguardian.com
Food tracking app links less sleeping to more eating: Even people who think they eat three meals a day may actually graze for most of their waking hours and consume fewer calories when they get more sleep, a small U.S. study suggests.
Source: reuters.com
Blood-cleansing biospleen device developed for sepsis therapy: Things can go downhill fast when a patient has sepsis, a life-threatening condition in which bacteria or fungi multiply in a patient's bloodâoften too fast for antibiotics to help. A new device inspired by the human spleen and developed...
Source: medicalxpress.com
The UK now gets more power from renewables than coal | ExtremeTech: Taken together with nuclear power, the country is now generating almost half of its power with low- or no-carbon technologies.
Source: extremetech.com
A Breast Cancer Surgeon Who Keeps Challenging the Status Quo - NYTimes.com
Source: nytimes.com
Introducing Facebook and Summit’s K-12 Education Project | Facebook Newsroom: A group of Facebook engineers has partnered with local educators to create a classroom experience that takes advantage of all the technology and information accessible to a kid growing up today.
Source: newsroom.fb.com
Irish marchers demand referendum on legalising abortion: Thousands gather in capital to put pressure on government to call referendum on liberalising law after next general election
Source: theguardian.com
Tools for illuminating brain function make their own light: A variant on the optogenetics technique gives neuroscientists the choice of activating neurons with light or an externally supplied chemical.
Source: eurekalert.org
Junior doctors' strike receives overwhelming support, poll shows: Patients and medical profession in favour of action over proposed contract that could cut pay by 30% and force junior doctors to work more antisocial shifts
Source: theguardian.com
The Fuzzy Logic of Fleeing for Your Life: Computer models are becoming more attuned to human fear during crowd evacuations
Source: ieee.org
NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars: New findings from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars.
Source: nasa.gov
Junior doctors: why are you protesting?: Doctors and medical students are set to protest on Monday evening in London against proposed changes to trainee’s contracts. Will you be there?
Source: theguardian.com
Chemistry at heart of VW emissions cheating | Chemistry World
Source: rsc.org
Everyone should read what this man has to say about the refugee crisis: The British government has announced it will take in 20,000 refugees from camps in Syria and its neighbouring states.
Source: independent.co.uk