"The tool's creators are seeking to make it so that AI model developers must pay artists to train on data from them that is uncorrupted." Artists can now use this software to modify their art and influence the big tech owners of AI tools to properly recognise the original works. Growing the poisonous...
Source: venturebeat.com
This piece of music is probably like nothing you have ever heard. Maybe because it is nearly 500 years old it feels like it is from another world. Maybe because it is written for eight choirs with five voices each the forty parts it's so complex you'd be pressed even to hum some of the tune afterwards....
Source: wikipedia.org
I've been looking at a few industry reports on the future of biopharma as part of a course I'm on with INSEAD Business School on Business Strategy and Financial Performance. I thought I'd share some of my ramblings on Biopharma Futures. Expectations are high Pharmaceutical
companies are operating...
Source: deanjenkins.me
"A Jisc survey of 27,069 higher and further education students reveals that most are pleased with their digital learning, but areas such as wellbeing, mental health and staff digital skills need more attention." Get the basics right (like college WiFi)Make learning sessions more interactive Record lessons...
Source: jisc.ac.uk
The photos were used to help a Facebook algorithm learn to recognise images without supervision.
Source: bbc.com
Can routinely collected data be repurposed to predict avoidable patient harm? A quantitative descriptive study Objectives To determine whether sharing of routinely collected health service performance data could have predicted a critical safety failure at an Australian maternity service. Design Observational...
Source: bmj.com
Ways to prevent crime other than police and prisons: There are less harmful ways to stop a lot of crime from happening in the first place. Listen to Jennifer Doleac — Associate Professor of Economics at Texas A&M University, and Director of the Justice Tech Lab — is an expert on empirical research...
Source: 80000hours.org
Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand. "We show that in the UK and US context, suppression will minimally require a combination of social distancing of the entire population, home isolation of cases and household quarantine of their...
Source: imperial.ac.uk
A collection of information sources for COVID-19. The NHS 111 online COVID-19 service. The first point of call for someone in the UK who thinks they have symptoms or have been exposed whilst travelling. The NHS Coronavirus COVID-19 information webpage. UK Government's Coronavirus action plan. Public...
Inspired by @oldaily's #el30 Elearning 3.0 series I have just added a
#meded project to the distributed web. It now has a permanent place on
the web without even requiring a server. #eldercareApp
https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/Qme7F72usRCWJtRzRXBaUeKmeQW2xCChdCHaVXQdTJP2c3/ So what does that all...
Source: ipfs.io
Models of online & flexible learning - The Ed Techie An outline of the work done to develop conceptual models and current practice of how higher education institutions provide content, its delivery, and how the learner's work is recognised across the dimensions of openness and digitalisation - a...
Source: edtechie.net
Text messages incredibly useful in general practice - but we recognise potential limitations
Source: rcgp.org.uk
Longitudinal evaluation of a pilot e-portfolio-based supervision programme for final year medical students: views of students, supervisors and new graduates: Little is known about how best to implement portfolio-based learning in medical school. We evaluated the introduction of a formative e-portfolio-based...
Source: biomedcentral.com
NHSbuntu - a modern, secure, open source, operating system being considered by Jeremy Hunt for the NHS. It seems to have taken the recent ransomware attack on the ageing Windows XP infrastructure of the NHS to alert those in charge to an innovation that has already been developed from within it. NHSbuntu...
Source: openhealthhub.org
Review question: Are action plans with brief education to help patients recognise and respond to worsening symptoms effective in COPD? | Cochrane
Source: cochrane.org
Horus Recognizes Faces, Reads Text, Describes World Around for Blind People |: A new device is expected to soon be made available for visually impaired people that uses voice to describe the world in front of them. The device is a camera and standalone computer that can be trained to recognise faces....
Source: medgadget.com
In Celebration of Open Data | PLOS Biologue: It’s not every day I get to write something that is just fun. In celebration of OpenCon, and to recognise all of the fantastic articles that we’ve published at PLOS with a focus on Data Sharing across all of the PLOS journals, we’re really excited...
Source: plos.org
Timeless Tips for 'Simple Sabotage' — Central Intelligence Agency. This is a great collection of sabotage techniques which, when you read them, feel exactly like those most annoying things colleagues do in organisations. Maybe they are just trying to wreck things? Learn to recognise when your work...
Source: cia.gov
In this book Tony Atkinson - Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science - asks the question, "If we wish to reduce the extent of inequality, how can this be done?"
His answer includes looking at history for evidence of what has worked in the past and what could be...
Source: harvard.edu
The secret to a younger brain may lie in exercising your body: It is widely recognised that our physical fitness is reflected in our mental fitness, especially as we get older. How does being physically fit affect our aging brains? Neuroimaging studies, in which the activity of different parts of the...
Source: medicalxpress.com