Thinking Allowed

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showing posts for 'member'

65 Reasons To Celebrate The 6502

blog post image "The legendary chip from 1975 that helped start the home computer revolution." I can remember sharing the manual for the 6502 with my school friend, Chris. He had a BBC micro computer and I had a Commodore Vic 20. To do the machine code I remember you had to: compile into 6502 instructions what you...

Integrating basic sciences into clerkship rotation utilizing Kern’s six-step model of instructional design: lessons learned

Worked example of curriculum design using Kern's six-step approach. "Background It is generally agreed that basic and clinical sciences should be integrated throughout the undergraduate medical education, however, there is still need for continued formal integration of basic sciences into clinical...

On reflective journals

The power of a reflective journal! I think I know myself better but I'm not sure if it has made me any better. It definitely helps to remember who you've met and what has been said.

Remembering the people

blog post image Please suggest some technology that might help ... but remind me who you are first. What do you use to keep track of everyone that you work with, live near, party with, study with, or just share time with? Mere humans can only maintain about 150 close relationships (Dunbar's number) so just wondering...

Senior health professionals call for urgent climate briefing of all MPs by the chief scientific adviser: open letter to

Dear prime minister, We wish to make you aware of our concern for the health of Angus Rose, a 52 year old man, who at the time of writing is on day 34 of a hunger strike outside Parliament, consuming only fluids, vitamins, and minerals. His not unreasonable demand is that all members of parliament...

Internet user classification

Grampound it seems is classified as 'e-Rational Utilitarian' ... but who is shouting out for more local facilities and better internet infrastructure? Checks notes ... methodological individualist and political liberals with social stratification (i.e. class, status distinctions) playing a relatively...

Fusion energy record demonstrates powerplant future

"Landmark results from EUROfusion scientists and engineers at world-leading UK Atomic Energy Authority’s Joint European Torus (JET) facility in Oxford. "Record-breaking 59 megajoules of sustained fusion energy demonstrates powerplant potential and strengthens case for ITER." "The record and scientific...

Visa-free touring granted for UK artists in 19 EU countries – while industry demands "honesty" from government

"The government has announced that visa-free touring has been negotiated for UK artists in 19 EU member countries" This is great news for musicians but also good to see that individual EU states also still have control over their borders (they always did). It will be great for us all to have freedom...

University of Northampton: The impact of COVID-19 on digital delivery - initial trend analysis

The speed and intensity of transitioning to mass online delivery of teaching has left in its wake a unique digital record, the patterns and trends of which reveal the story of the sector grappling to respond.

Medical educators’ beliefs about teaching, learning, and knowledge: development of a new framework

Interesting paper about beliefs among medical educators. This has been developed with a qualitative study of undergraduate educators but the framework makes for good reading for those of us involved in urging colleagues and expert speakers to become more learner-centred. "The sharp divide between...

'Undiscovered Titian painting' found in Ledbury church

"An art historian claims to have found the Renaissance master's signature during restoration work." Fascinating story especially the then - plague - and now - pandemic angle. Enormous dedication from the historian and team who have been working on it - over 11,000 hours of work. Can't remember seeing...

Rocket Report Cornwall

Cornwall says “LOL, no” to space tourism. "If we're being blunt about it ... One council member, John Fitter, was more explicit, saying, 'If we were to entertain this, it would be quite ridiculous and send out the wrong message to those people in Cornwall who could possibly be suffering on below...

Google fires Margaret Mitchell, co-lead of its Ethical AI team

"Last December, Gebru was fired from Google after she tried to be outspoken about unethical AI. This prompted some 225 Google employees to club together to create a union, in the hope of preventing further unfair dismissal and protecting employee rights. Mitchell was a member of said union, but that...

Covid bereavement group founder is 'inspirational young man'

Covid bereavement group founder is 'inspirational young man': The support group now has about 700 members around the UK and beyond. "On the evening of his father's funeral Liam Meyer launched a group to help other families whose lives had been ravaged by Covid-19. His father, David, died with Covid-19...

Effect of school closures on mortality from coronavirus disease 2019: old and new predictions

"It was predicted in March 2020 that in response to covid-19 a broad lockdown, as opposed to a focus on shielding the most vulnerable members of society, would reduce immediate demand for ICU beds at the cost of more deaths long term. The optimal strategy for saving lives in a covid-19 epidemic is different...

How novice and expert anaesthetists understand expertise in anaesthesia: a qualitative study: The development of expertise

How novice and expert anaesthetists understand expertise in anaesthesia: a qualitative study: The development of expertise in anaesthesia requires personal contact between a mentor and a learner. Because mentors often are experienced clinicians, they may find it difficult to understand the challenges...

Imperial College's COVID-19 modelling

Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand. "We show that in the UK and US context, suppression will minimally require a combination of social distancing of the entire population, home isolation of cases and household quarantine of their...

Video for learning

Video for learning is great at some things, not so great at others. Great summary of recent evidence from Donald Clark. What can we learn from Netflix? (Use technology appropriately not just the buzzwords) Episodic vs. Semantic memory (Remembering the right things from video isn't as easy as you think)...

German Digital Healthcare Act promotes digital health.

German Digital Healthcare Act - Frontiers Health: Bundestag adopts law on reimbursement for digital health application in Germany. "health apps, which can help patients to manage a diagnosed medical condition, can from January 2020 onwards be prescribed by their doctors. The costs are borne by the statutory...

Great advice. Keep up to date with technology, increase your entrepreneurship and communication skills, and hire women.

Great advice. Keep up to date with technology, increase your entrepreneurship and communication skills, and hire women. "Four Actions Engineers Can Take to Ensure Their Startup Succeeds: Venture advisor Chenyang Xu recommends staying up to date on technology and taking entrepreneurship classes."